Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: My rationale for deep drilling

Brad is correct that Frank is speaking much more publically about the potential of the Timmins/Ascot property. Even the May 11 shareholder's update used much of the same verbiage and was also posted on SEDAR. Frankly, I was a bit disappointed that we didn't get more sp action based on that report. To me, it seems we will need to keep increasing our exposure to potential investors.

I have asked the office several times when the deep drilling will begin. The standard answer I get has been: "we want to prove up the easy stuff first with our limited resources". OK I get that but here's my reasoning for going deep sooner rather than later.

First, all the current resource estimates are based on 1000 m depth. I don't believe that those estimates will ever fly without at least a few deep holes along NE-SW axis of mineralization on the property. To me this is like tripling the resource estimate above the current surface map geochem and shallow drilling-based estimates.

Second, we already know that grades are better with increased size of sampling. Why not kill two birds with one stone. Tilsley knows the geometry of this deposit like the back of his hand. Why not plunge a hole straight down through the quartz to 1000m on one of the wider veins. By staying in quartz all the way down it would effectively increase the sample size by threefold and prove (or disprove) the theory that mineralization extends to depth. In a few deep holes you could both increase drill hole grades (assuming the gold was nuggety at depth as well) and justify your current resource estimates for Timmins/Ascot.

JUst my thoughts - but hey I'm merely a Physiologist with a gold fever.



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