Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: BNN James West Recap about GNH

BNN: On Friday you’re heading to Quebec to meet with geologists from GNH, whats so interesting about that company?

JW: What I like about that is the Bellachase property, they’ve been sampling there, and there is indications that there could be 20 km’s of strike there and that’s attracted a bit of a staking rush by the likes of Bowmore Exploration who is essentially the entire BOD and exploration team of OSISKO and so that validates this theory that there could be a very large deposit there and right now there drilling about 6000metres there and more will follow after that, so the potential of a big discovery there is significant.

BNN: It’s a 30 cent stock right now, where do you think it can go from here if you see just one significant strike?

JW: Ummm, That is not something I care to predict, but if they see a lot of drilling success there, stocks like this have the potential to go 10 and 20 times the money upon a major discovery.

At the end of it he said he does not own any GNH but plans on buying some later this week.Looks like he may of missed out on some cheaper shares already.



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