Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: News: Drilling much ahead of schedule

I am not Hoov, but I will try and give this my best shot:

They did 5000m in 27 holes, that is an average of 185m per hole. From the previous NR, they hit Quartz, the gold bearing host rock in all 16 holes that they first drilled. After the initial drilling program of 2000m, their results were so impressive, they signed a contract for another 2000m, before this last PP was even closed. They must of really liked what they saw to do this when their funds may have been running low.

This gold bearing quartz being hit in every hole when holes on average are only 185m deep means that this deposit starts very near the surface, excellent for open pit mining. However, because we are hitting these long, wide veins that we have now traced to 1km long and up to 50m wide, it may be more eco friendly and financially sound to mine this from underground.

Hole 6 was drilled in what has now been called the road zone. This hole was drilled when Hoov, Sudbury Novice, Corvette and Brattymack were on the site. At that time, this was their best hole with over 50m of quartz, some 36m of true width. This road zone is between the Timmins 1&2 deposits and the Ascot zone, in an area, they did not think they would hit anything. However, now, it strongly suggested that all these zones are connected.

I believe that GNH was supposed to drill about 4000m for the whole year with the budget they had in place. However, with hits like they had in their first 2000m round, they pushed ahead hard even before getting their assays back. The reason for this is the expert opinion of James Tislsey. Even though we do not have assays back, from his opinion, it is the same geological event that caused this rock formation. So if the quartz at Timmins 1&2 and Zone 88 averages about 3g/t, it is his opinion that the quartz in the road zone should come in around that same grade.

From the NR to support the previous paragraphs:

The company's technical team is delighted with drilling progress and greatly encouraged by the data gathered in respect to testing extensions of previously known zones, exploring soil gas hydrocarbon anomalies and locating new zones of quartz-hosting diorite in previously unexplored ground within the immediate area of the Bellechasse-Timmins deposit.

Further along in the NR:

Mineralized breccias have been intersected by diamond drilling in an area 600 metres wide and about 1,000 metres long. The mineralization remains open along strike to the northeast and to the southwest. The width of the belt favourable for development of additional parallel structures is not yet established.

So now they are saying we have proven up, by drilling an area that is 600m by 1000m that is open along strike in both directions and holds gold bearing quartz. That is great as it gives us a solid base for our share price in terms of having ounces in the ground.

However, knowing that James Tislsey, a very, very conservative geologist wrote that the "width of the belt" that is what has me the most excited. He is actually calling this area a belt. The Abitibi gold belt comes to mind when I think of a gold belt. This prolific mining area has some 15 mines along this gold belt. We happen to own the whole belt here!! Maybe I am getting ahead of myself here but when a man of James Tislsey's reputation is calling our 20km+ land a gold belt, I cannot do anything but get super pumped about it!

Those few words to me were the most exciting and I hope everyone can understand the profound nature of that statement. This is not an off the record comment like: I believe we have 5-10M ounces of gold. This is a statement that he has put out in a public news release that everyone can now see and appreciate.

After that crucial part, they then tackled the very tricky but important part of how the small drill cores under estimate the true grade due to the nugget effect. They did a good job trying to explain this very difficult concept. At the end of the day, it is important for everyone here doing their due diligence to understand that assay results should be increased by about 50% to get a measure of the true grade that our deposit has. In other words, if we see 2g/t, we probably have about 3g/t, if we have 4g/t, we probably have 6. This is a very important factor in determining how many ounces we are proving up.

Now, let's discuss where our share price may go. I have friends asking me if they should take money off the table, now that we have had this great run up. Taking profits is never a bad thing and it is not my place to tell people when that time is appropriate. However, here are some thoughts on the value that this company could see.

I did a post a few days back on the price per ounce. Here is the link:

Now, the lowest price per ounce that I found using multi million ounce deposits with low grades was $51. The other prices per ounce were $89, $144 and $180.

JT is off the record saying we have between 5 and 10 million ounces. At 5M ounces, at $51 per ounce, we are looking at 255M in MC, at 10M ounces, we are looking at 510M in MC. Our current FD share float is about 130M shares. That gives us a share price between $1.96 per share and $3.92.

How fast can we get to such a share price? Consider Osisko, they took 16 months to prove up their 11M ounces. During this time, their share price went from 20 cents to $6.60. So for those willing to wait this out, there is serious profits to be made, even after this run up.

Consider that James West has now been at the property and will start to promote us (I am assuming he liked what he saw) and that he is only the first of many analyst to tour our property this summer. For us that have been here for a while, it is hard not to take some profits but for the rest of the world...they are just starting to hear about Golden Hope Mines.


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