Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Re: A little help please
Jun 18, 2010 01:10PM
Jun 18, 2010 01:21PM
Jun 18, 2010 01:25PM
Jun 18, 2010 01:54PM

No, I don't think this project is as sensitive to gold prices as you are imagining. Think of each quartz veins as being a rich quartz zone bounded by less rich zones in either direction. As you move outward from the rich zone there are decreasing grades until at some point you reach a point where you are outside the economical grade. In 2007 that point was closer to the rich vein (ie when mining you would take the rich vein and a bit of surrounding lower grade stuff). At today's prices we can take a larger amount of rock on either side of the vein (albeit at lower grades) but at the same time increase our tonnage above that which was profitable in 2007.

So even if gold retreats to 2007 prices, there is still a lot of economical gold on the Timmins/Bellechasse alone not mention the other targets along this putative belt.

I'm sure HOOV will correct any mistakes I have made in my description of the geology.



Jun 18, 2010 02:31PM
Jun 18, 2010 03:27PM
Jun 19, 2010 12:03AM
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