Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: This Week should be EXTREMELY Interesting.......

First off we have the Midas Letter coming out (hopefully) at some point this week. Although it doesnt seem that there are too many subscribers to his letter on this site, I think we'll see a volume and SP increase when the report is out by SH buying up shares who read the Midas Letter

Second of all, it looks like we may have assays this week, which will cause some excitement and volume and hopefully SP increase.

I wonder if James West will time this thing properly - buy some shares, release his report while GNH releases assays at the exact same time - now that will cause a buying frenzy if assays are great and maybe it can actually push us over $1 this week if all our stars are aligned up perfectly. So, I think this will be a very exciitng week to be had for our little company. I keep waiting for people to take cash and sell some shares, but I dont think any of the SH on this board are selling, and whoever we told about this stock - well they're not selling any either, which is causing the SP to continously rise.

To any of the TA posters on this board I have a question - with the steady rise in SP, anything in the chart that says we will consolidate? or have most gaps been filled? Whats a good base right now? would love to hear your thoughts from the TA posters who sum things up very well on TA.

And finally we have the dreaded G8/G20 summits being held in Ontario (Toronto and Huntsville). Im NOT looking forward to this, luckily its not taking place in Quebec close to Beauce region - we are drilling far from any sort of possible disruptions. I take the 427 to get to work and home and I am NOT looking forward to driving home when Obama lands and Im stuck in traffic cuz he has the highway closed - its gonna be commuter hell when all these heads of countries land and get transported to the downtown core - could they not of just landed at Hanlons point or centre island airport and just stay on the island and have summit there therefore not causing all these stupid barriers and walls and fences and - oh so frustrating. Anyways, it wont be bad if Im sitting in traffic celebrating in my head that GNH just hit a $1 - then next time Ill be able to take my own limousine to and from work - wait a sec - work?!?! LOL - wont be needing that if GNH has anything to say about it.

Cheers to a great and exciting week ahead for GNH.



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