Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Great Friday - Close - 0.70 - up 0.07 cents. +11.11%

What a great way to close off the week.

Closing at a nice even 70 cents - thats a good mental close, as hopefully the 60s are gone, and welcome to the 70s :)

Our "pullback" that we had got us down to 59 cents this week from the 60s - thats not much of a pullback. This stock is in VERY strong hands right now, and people are not selling it, they are waiting for the potential to be slowly exposed.

We got James West on our side now who will be on BNN to talk about GNH and its great potential - last time he was on BNN we start this run and since, we've gone up 50 cents - lets hope for a nice run again when we goes on.

We've had a great week - News telling us about visible Gold 7 kms away, excellent new member joined our board, James West joined us, more claims were picked up (I think thats what that one was all about), and we are 3 cents off the new 52 week high we just hit - WOW - can't say i hav anything possibly to complain about, its been an AMAZING week for GNH. so nice to see a stock that has potential actually go up, not like NOT (the stock that many of us on here were once in or are still in and got frustrated for the last 2 years) Selling NOT at $1.25 and buying GNH at 40 cents was a great decision on my part.

GNH is one stock that if you averaged up this week, you are up money!

Congrats guys, and remember this is JUST the beginning, wait till James West tells his subscribers about us and wait till assays come out - first batch will be good, but second batch with all the visible gold will be GREAT - so much more excitement to come from this stock.

Have a great weekend everyone, stay safe, remember protesting is allowed if done in a peaceful manner, or just stay away from downtown TO and Huntsville unless you want to be stuck in traffic - that is if you are from Toronto :)

Peace Ladies and Gentlemen of the board, its been a fun week. See you Monday morning before the open


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