Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Anyone have anything to share

what gets me about CMM is that its a gold producer pouring gold, while GNH is still drilling gold and we are valued higher than CMM.

I understand the O/S are different for both companies, but thats why I moved some of my minor CMM gains into GNH, I think the "potential" factor right now is far greater than a solid bar of gold, as the potential can take us into territory that CMM cannot even compare to with all of their holdings.

Funny how the market works, people want safety, yet they want risk, but when doubt is cast they go into gold, but when the market flies they go into risk and so on.

Best of all, if the market is up 300 points or down 300 points, it seems as though GNH does not care and its SP does not follow and of the major indexes (TSX,S&P,DOW), we are our own little creation and our own self, we will dictate on how high our SP goes. Thats why when people panic and say market fell 500 pts over x amount of days, while GNH has been up 15% over x days, I just smile, cuz really I dont care how the market is doing. If we double dip recession GOLD is good, if we go up from here, GOLD is good cuz we have lots of it. Its a CATCH 21 butr in our favour - GNH will go up no matter what................. IMHO of course and that of the majority of the boards :)


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