You're on, Señor Wiebe. Couldn't pick a better man to have a friendly fun little wager with. Whichever way it goes, I'm happy. Although I hope you lose. Not that your $20 will matter much if my shares are worth $5. :-))))
I'm gonna go big or go home:
My assumptions:
1) We will "prove up" (at least to the market) that we have 100MT of ore (see page 17)
2) The average grade will be between 4 and 5 g/tonne (We have read here that Tilsley believes the avg grade will come in at closer to 4 or 5 g/t or higher.
3) GNH will receive $90/oz in the ground
4) Further private placements and such will dilute the share base by another 40,000,000 shares in the short term to give us 170,000,000 shares fully diluted. (total guess)
= 100,000,000 tonnes
X 4.5 g/tonne
= 450,000,000g
divided by 31
= 14.5 million oz of gold
X $90/oz
= $1,306,451,612
divided by
170 million shares
= $7.69/share