to me in an email dated July 21/10 when I am just cleaning up the computer . When I asked about the SP and assay results his answer really stuck and actually bought more after his reply. "We are shareholders as well and fully appreciate this fact. We have worked hard to accrue some price appreciation and have no intention of stopping. That being said, volume in the TSX-V is very low during the months of July and August. There is something to be said about the delays being somewhat welcome at this particular time as an NR could fall on def ears." This put a bug in my ears about two things one that there livelyhoods are on the line as well and its in their best interest as well as duty to appreciate our SP. Secoundly, we may actually see assays closer to mid to late August such is the case now. I was reading between the lines or call it intuition. Nice action today though, let's hold her above .60 today.
Regards Jay