Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: First off, thanks to whomever sold me those 17000 shares under 60 cents... then.

Has anyone seen Canaco on it's tear??? Wow! $2.93 today!!! I honestly believe that if a company like Canaco can drill "2" holes and go from a run of approx. 60 cents to $2.93 in 3 months........ Just stop and think for a minute where Golden can run to if (and soon, make that a WHEN) our holes come back to show that there is gold here, OFFICIALLY!!!

Great to see the likes of Canaco. It will make a good comparison to how we "may" run in the not too distant future... Does Canaco have 6 drills turning??? Don't think so, but I honestly don't know. I will bet you one thing, though. It is my best guess that Golden will be "accelerating" it's search for gold in the next while... Hey, if Canaco can put out 2 holes at under 2 grams per ton for some fairly long intercepts, then why not put out our 2 holes with longer intercepts (if I remember correctly, I think Larry said we had one hole over 200 meters in length... don't hold me to that, and best to ask Larry about that one...) and see where OUR share price can go. Hey, maybe someone should go tell the major shareholders over at Canaco some of OUR results when they come in so that THEY can drive our share price as well... They seem to be doing a great job over there.....

Oh almost forgot... Canaco was at 6 cents one year ago..... Sound familiar?

Anyway, I am a very happy camper today as I was able to buy my shares (at 3 cents more than what I wanted to pay for them, so all is GOOD) and it's good to see the share price "starting" to do it's climbing thing... Now, let's just see what happens next week... If we can get some news out, then we may just be starting our own little race.

Bring out that news please Mr. Candido... if you are ready for it. I assure you that all of here on this forum are ready!!!

God Bless all Golden Shareholders!

Herb :-}

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