Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Transcibed Sept 14th Jay Taylor interviews Frank Candido

Transcibed Sept 14th Jay Taylor interviews Frank Candido

starts at around 17:10 min mark

Golden Hope Mines


Jay Taylor - Welcome Frank.

Frank Candido - Thank you. Thanks for having me.

J.T. - I was with you, I drove up to your properties SouthEast of Quebec citya number of weeks ago. You definitely have something that’s very promising there.We’ll talk about that in just a second.Let me just say that Golden Hope Mines trades on TSX under GNH I believe. And over the counter under GOLHF where I purchased my shares.

F.C.-About 103 mil outstanding shares. Actual price is .69c (currently in mid .70’s).

J.T. - Did you have a move today with today’s gold price?

F.C.-no, not really. We’ve been hovering at these levels. We’ve been trading in a sort of a .65 to .70c range now for a little while.

J.T. - What’s your all time high?

F.C.-52week high is 74c. So were trading close to our 52 week high.

J.T. - Very good. Youhave a flagship property located Southeast of Quebec city.

F.C.-Were in the Beauce of Quebec and, when you talk about gold exploration, it’s not the first word that comes out of people’s mouth. Typically in Quebec everyone is in Northern Quebec, in regions that are very well known. But this was the site of the first Canadian gold rush in the 1800’s. there’s been some work done in the last 30 to 35 years in the area, but not until we really took the project over and started to work it properly has there been any focus in the area. And now today we are surrounded by other companies that have staked everything from where we are all the way down to Sherpa, Quebec.We’re in the midst of a staking spree and there is definitely some interest in what we are doing in SouthEastern Quebec.

J.T. - Now you’ve had some very nice assay results. Would you care to highlight?

F.C.- Basically, the big picture here is that we were working in an area known as Bellechasse Timmins area. That was our main area of focus –working on defining this area. And then all of a sudden it struck us that this are- not only within the immediate area – but it looked like we had potentially what we refer to as a belt. And this belt is 20klm long, can be longer obviously. That’s within out claim group. Our claim group is somewhere around 18 km and it could extend beyond that. Potentially, where we were just defining this small area, less than 5% of what we think of as a belt, we started to realize that this is really just a needle in the haystack (transcriber insert: better analogy might be a “small piece of the pie”).And that potentially this thing could run on and on for kilometers at a time.So effectively that is the work that we are doing. We’re looking to define the immediate area. So far we’ve followed mineralization for approximately a kilometer on strike and approximately 600meters against strike in the area of Bellechasse Timmins.And then most recently we did what we call a step-out app. 6.2 km south of Bellechasse Timmins and we punched 3 holes there and sure enough we intersected quartz and got VG in one of the holes.And we’re waiting for assay results which should be in any day here. We have a lot of assay results from here until Christmas. We’ve got about 8000mtrs that we’re going to be reporting on.And I think that this is really going to change for the better the upside potential on this property.

J.T. - It seems like you have an awful lot of drilling ahead of you. Are you really talking about a 20kilometer long strike length of structure that has been identified so far?

F.C.- That’s correct. Like I said, these type of structures can go on like that. Really if we were in any other region of Quebec where there were other companies working the property, as you find in the Abitibian and other parts of Quebec, I’m not so sure that Golden Hope would have this entire structure to itself. Like I said, it probably extends beyond where we have our claims. One of the downsides of having a staking rush, is that many other players have come in and taken up some ground that otherwise we would have taken ourselves. The fact is the only reason it’s overlooked is no one bothered to look.So it is not a matter of people having worked this property and they’ve walked away, really at the end of the day, it’s just a matter of very little money has been spent in terms of looking where we are even with the rich history that the area has. So from that POV, what were planning on doing, that as we define the immediate area, where we have more than 25thou meters of drilling historically, including the program that we’ve undertaken, were going to drill 9 kilometers to the north. We did the 6.2 kilometers to the south.And once we complete that drilling, which is part of this exploration program, I think that will go a long way to proving to the market that this potential blue sky for a 20kilometer belt is for real. And we are very excited, obviously.

J.T. - A 6.2 kilometerstep out is a long way. You’ve got a lot of drilling to fill in between those areas. How meters did you say your current drill program is? And second question is how frequently might investors expect assay releases?

F.C. – We’ve completed app. 8000 meters of drilling just on the Bellechasse Timmins. On the b…? Which is the 6.2 kilometers step out, were not looking to fill all that in immediately. Our immediate target here is to define the Bellechasse Timmins –the area where we’ve done most of our drilling. That’s the first job at hand. And then, as I said, we would look at drilling in this program.So we already have about 7000mters planned.So that will take us roughly to 15000mtrs already set for this year. We’re going to look to drill that 9 kilometers north at least 3 to 5 holes up there. Again, if we are in the same type of structure, then that will go a long way to at least demonstrating to the market that this belt is real. The job at hand here, is to drill and define Bellechasse Timmins. On that note, we’ve completed app. 8000 meters. We’ve got 7000 additional meters already planned and we are drilling as we speak. We can expect assay results any day now. Those assay results will come in, at a sort of, I believe, with significant result every few weeks thereafter. Because we started drilling April 13th of 2010 this year. We’ve increased that program every other month. Now the assays are starting to flow in. We are going to be able to draw the picture in terms of the immediate area for structure. Those results are going to start flowing in as I said any day now. And we have a lot of news to report to the market.

J.T. - Well news is what drives these markets.Especially when the gold market is on fire the way it is now. We started to see the junior mining shares perk up quite a bit in the last number of weeks. Frank, I think your drill results, if they are favorable, especially on step-out holes in this kind of magnitude.I think is going to generate a lot of excitement. I think our listeners might do very well to keep their eyes on this stock. And Frank you might want to tell them what your website is.

F.C. – Our website is One of the advantages we have is that we’ve hosted a number of visitors to our property, both institutionally and retail, and we continue to do so. We have another 3 visitors this week to the property. One of the advantages, from New York or Toronto it’s approximately a 1hour flight to Quebec city. And then a 1hour drive to the property.You can fly to visit the property and be home for dinner. Which is tremendous, compared to remote properties much harder to get to. And from Montreal it’s a 3 ½ hour drive.

J.T. – Accessibility is very positive. But also your infrastructure concerns are minimal as well.

F.C. – Infrastructure is phenomenal. Jay, you’ve seen it yourself.We have electricity, roads, we have every type of access possible. Bottom line is, the gold has to be in the ground.It has to be economic. We believe it is.We believe that the deposit potential is enormous.We have a target set for a 100million tons as our short-term target.But we think that target is just the beginning, we can grow that. When you start talking tonnages of that magnitude, this is tremendous, this is huge blue sky.

J.T. – I couldn’t disagree with that for one minute. I must say, folks, “if” –a little two letter word “if”- but so far the numbers have come up very, very encouraging, and if this company can prove out a 100million tons of some sort of economic ore, let me tell you, this is no longer a .69c stock. It’s going to most likely rise to much higher levels. Thank you very much Frank for being with us and introducing your company to our listeners.I look forward to talking to you again sometime in the near future so we can keep up to date on the progress your company is making.

F.C. - Thank you, Jay, I hope to be back on the show with assay results that we can share with you and all your listeners.

J.T. – Looking forward to it. Very much. I’m also looking forward, after the break, Adrian Douglas to provide irrefutable evidence that gold market has been rigged…ready to take off…



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