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Message: Re: Hoov's GNH report..
Sep 20, 2010 04:49PM
Sep 20, 2010 04:57PM
Sep 20, 2010 04:59PM

Hoov,I've been in GNH sharesworld for more than a year.Throughout that period of time

( especially since King Frank 1st ) been on the throne,the SP has been steadily,gradually,and methodically,been marching forward and skyward.

However,today I read Hoov's unbelieveable report,and the 1950 % rise seems to be merely a proverbial ' spit in the ocean ' to what's liable to transpire in the weeks,months,years,and perhaps,decades ahead ,for all present and prospective shareholders.Hoov,I haven't read a document so intently since I read the textbook issued by the CSI ( no,not the Crime Scene Investigation,but,the Canadian Securities Institute )for the ' Investment Funds in Canada ' diploma.Thankfully,I aced the exam !

Hoov,thanks for putting most of the text in a manner that I found easy reading.The fact that I got in below a dime,made it easier ! The words that you chose so well,painted a picture,not of a penny stock,but rather,one well into the single-digit $.

As a historian and long-time teacher of Canadian history,the beginning of your report was rich with its historic descrption,one that laid a perspective and background that provided a foundation for the understanding of the rest of your most professional study.The foundation that you established,for me,mirrors the solid foundations that were poured at every stage in GNH's march forward towards its now,inevitable century platform.I must say too,that the maps with their comprehensive keys kept me mesmorized for long periods of time.If I may add an editorial comment relating to my teaching of Canadian history for more than three decades in the Province of Quebec.In Quebec the compulsory Canadian history course was entitles,' The History of Quebec and Canada '.Firstly,even in the English schools,both Quebec and Canada are clearly separate entities.Secondly,the final exam that was compulsory for graduation had approximately fifty multiple-choice questions,of which forty-five were solely Quebec related,and the Canada-related questions required the students to identify reasons why Quebecois were better off without Canada's interference.I apologize and promise that the rest of my post is 100% relevant to GNH'ers.

I was elated when the SP remained flat for a period of time.Reading all the fantastic pieces that I have read over the past year,and especially recently,encouraged me to believe that many more of our faithful had the same viewpoint.Geez,using the word faithful kind of evokes thoughts of a religous nature.Hey,the Canadiens have been given the stature of a 'religion' in a recent documentary.Now 'come on ' ( the new tennis phrase uttered a thousand times on air by every tennis player during the long long two weeks of the recent US Open )people now,how many of you prayed for GNH revival.How many people used the work'Christ' or 'oh my god ',or used the word'hell' when they were expressing how they hit the jackpot,missed the recent radical upswing,sold a day before the new director's appointment, or thanked God for her's/his part in killing their mortgage.

Hoov,I've read so many of your posts during the last year.I've often looked at the list of all of the recent postings,and nine-times-out-of-ten, I chose yours as my startingpoint.Your professionalism and the rare gift that you have employed,have reduced a multitude of technical terms,definitions,and equations,into language that most investors and potential investors can readily understand.therein lies the value and potential of your'work'.It should be put into the hands of as many media outlets,brokerage houses,trade-show promoters,and foreign investment agencies.


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