Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: After all that.......a good day :)

Well after nearly 3 million shares exchanged hands today, we closed at even 0.68 cents, not up, but most importantly not down.

Looks like there is a very very solid base from here to 75 cents, and a strong one from here to 85 cents.

Hopefully tomorrows BNN appearance by Mr. West and the upcoming Conference in Toronto anticipation will springboard us into the low 80s. Maybe they will surprise us with a NR before close tomorrow - we'll see, that would be nice, another NR that James West can discuss on BNN, even if we dont get news, I think we're established at this level as nearly all our shares traded today at 68 cents and above.

I consider today a good strong base building day considering the DOW, Nasdaq and S&P were all red today, but good ol' GOLD finished up a buck!

Have a good night folks


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