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Message: are you going to finish strong?

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I havn't been on this board long. I am neither an insider nor part of a group. I have recently become a hub leader through no fault of my own (sic).

However, I have come to know several of the more astute posters and researchers here in the last few months. IMO they are all gentleman who have no more or less insight than you do. There has been some discussion that some may have profited from the recent re statement of the companies value. I am positive that this is not the case. If you think they changed their position in a material way. .............your wrong.......period.

They have been re laying facts and guesses to us, as they understand them and interpret what they find out. There have also been those on the board who have been mindlessly pumping. They're just dumb. There were also several people who were warning us of these very same pumpers. Instead of listening to them we downgraded their rating and allowed them to be ridiculed by the vary same pumpers.......that's on us!... However, one of the responsibilities of a hub leader is to remove posts that bash AND posts that pump. I've noticed some of the latter in the last weeks and I didn't act. For this I am sorry. That responsibility was in my court as well.

Problem is.......I went against my instincts and got caught up no different than many of you. I recognize that is my failing and no one elses. I take my own responsibility for my poor decision making and even poorer trading pattern. I have been accused of day trading and shorting by some of these same pumpers......Regretably, I've done neither.

I state here emphatically ....(and stupidly) that I have not sold or bought a single share since the friday before the nr. I have a paper loss well over 1 million $. Most of the other larger shareholders are in exactly the same position as I am. We are holding strong and holding tight.

I don't blame people for my mistakes and I don't selfishly make them worse. When all goes to crap you go back to fundamentals. I'm holding and in short order buying! So are most of the others. The fundamental principles of the company havn't changed. This is Real. It isn't a fraud..... as many of us have been on site....touched....heard....and saw!

Stop crying, stop blaming........go back to basics.



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