Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Jay Taylor

Jacki, you can watch segments from BNN at anytime on the internet. There is usually a time delay after a segment airs live, but it is a reasonable time, maybe an hour. You can also view past days from their archive. The best thing is they cut out the advertising so watching is uninterupted and you can catch up on something when you are not able to watch TV.

Jay Taylor started by answering to where the price of gold was going. He said the usual that we hear about printing money. He also mentioned it depended a lot on how they managed the economy, and he also made a reference to deflation. None of that was really new to anyone following the gold scene.

One item that I thought was his most important remark was that gold is not being purchased yet by the " crowd " but mostly by gold followers. He didn't expect a significant move by gold until the crowd got into the buying. I think he is right with this observation.

The interviewer next went to some picks. His first was Dynacore and skier mentioned how it reacted, I think. His second pick was Crockadile ( be careful of my spelling ).

My own opinion is that a mention of GNH would not have done much for us. The BNN crowd knows already. These shows GNH is doing is more important because it builds our base group awareness. I do not expect them to rush out and buy. They will take time to do some DD and watch a bit. But if we get timely NR's like the last two, it isn't going to be long before buyers will recognize our tonnage is becoming too good to ignore.

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