Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Remember

We should all remember that five months ago GNH was twelve cents. We had a moment of euphoria when all hands got over excited and pushed the price to nearly a dollar. I did not sell any, not that I wouldn't, it is just that I am not that astute. I mean who would not accept more shares for the same cash? We should also remember that this company has made it well known that they have a somewhat unique orebody that is nuggety and hard to evaluate. They have been dilligently drilling with one drill and very limited human resources. I have not personally talked to Frank or Sasha, but I have developed enough of a rapport with Hoov and Brattymack and Glorieux that I can trust their reports and I don't need to bother the company with the same questions. The company has been very forthright with information, too much so in my opinion since I believe they had an ill timed and poorly written PR that could have waited. But, they are learning and work is progressing. They have told us they are planning a ramp and a huge bulk sample that will substantiate and establish our attainable grades. All we can do is wait for that. I am not looking forward to any assays from 127 or any other hole and I am certainly not looking forward to any 43-101 assessment in the short term. I am hoping the ramp will precede these because invariably, premature resource assessments disappoint. I think we should remember that this is a huge area we are exploring and that the company and most of us believe that the grades are double what the drill assays are telling us. So lets prove that, and then use that factor to apply to all our future drill assays.

In closing, I don't post very often so I will say this now, we should all remember those who died for us in prior world conflicts so that we can live the great lives we live. My grandfather faught in both world wars, my father in law and my uncle in WWII. Now is the time to make sure we wear a poppy and support awareness that the past should not be repeated.

Nov 06, 2010 01:04PM
Nov 06, 2010 02:33PM
Nov 06, 2010 03:40PM
Nov 06, 2010 03:49PM
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