Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Where did everyone go?

Sharing this...when I talked to Sasha last week I suggested that because they were overseas that we probably wouldn't get news. He corrected me and said that there is no good reason why not? They have access to phones, email, fax, skype and any other forms of communicating that are available, so that this is not necessarily the case.

And hey, as long as the drills are turning, bulldozers are scraping the earth away, the assays are being processed and the geos are compiling the figures...we are a company in progress and probably close to the capacity of our means at present.

Finding the coreshack and physically moving the office is not an overnight task. They should be much more efficient going forward and I would think that this will set them up to take on the second drill which is probably what we need more than anything. It's coming....slow and steady wins the race really does.

When I rush things I often find I end up having to redo them in the end. (read, pay twice)

And I agree that one should be a skeptic well before they blindly trust. Of course, this reminds me of the ridiculous lengths I've gone to to get to know these guys and the property as part of my DD. The property is real and these guys are not idiots, and they certainly are not out to trick anybody and make a quick buck, IMO.

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