it states--" the lavals mountian geochemical survey scored a 5 for gold and 5 for base metals out of a potential 6. this is the highest rating of any survey completed to date on the companys entire claim block" now lets think about this statment. the company has sent in 1000's of soil samples for soil gas hydrocarbon testing to the lab. i believe they are using this type of testing to best pick were to pin point the drill, so a statment like above sends a very strong message. they had to drill laval now and since it was the best on the entire claims the chances of hitting are very high. if so we will be confirming a 20 km belt. so as glorieux said they are seeing the host rock in the first four holes, thats a great start. i like thinking what would happen if we hit at lavals mountian. in the end the drill will tell.