Some insight
posted on
Dec 21, 2010 12:46PM
New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt
Although there's been bashing and pumping on this board some justified. One thing to consider is that this deposit although challenging can be quite rewarding. The very nature of this deposit being of hydraulic fracture type may take a little extra time to figure out but may prove to be very rewarding. With all that said I think management has done an excellent job in defining what they have so far considering one drill. Take a look at some of these other similar deposits in Russia that have been very successfull and are of similar type that being hydraulic fracturing and you have to be excited as to what might unfold here. Some of these deposits were over 10 million ounces and more and still being mined to date. So I think a little patience is deserving to say the least.
Here is an Article I posted a month ago for those of you who haven't seen it yet.
Here is the link to the Article
It has a lot of similarities to the GNH find and goes into a lot of detail.
Whats great is that if you look up some of these gold deposits that were created by hydraulic fracturing the gold deposits are considerable in size as far as tonnage.
They were open pit / underground mines They mined them from the top and underneath interesting read indead. Some of these deposits are still being mined today. The majority of them were found in russia.