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Message: interesting times

first, i'd like to point out that southside (a new poster) has been allowed to post at will without being banned for some extremely negative comments/insinuations (i.e. GNH is a "shady play") without backing up his arguments in any way imo... i think this speaks volumes for this board and its hub leaders allowing negative spin as long as no real violations are accuring (although i believe it's just a matter of time until southside pushes the envelope).

many of us here have been on boards that do not allow anything other than pure pumping and that is a dangerous place to get DD.

second- does anyone else find it coincidental that southside/jenna popped up immediately after canuck vette was banned??

third- not to keep bringing up "the article" but what kind of journalist bases a story on an assumption like "assays will be bad because they are delayed" and that "management is lying about the delay" and then does'nt attempt to talk to management OR WAIT A COUPLE DAYS TO TALK TO THE ACTUAL LAB DOING THE WORK?? the authors actlab source was a different office altogether. i'm really not sure why this jenna greene article got so much attention (slow news day i guess)...

in any case, i personally know some of the guys here that are close to the project. i've talked to management and have found them forthcoming and honest. i dont see putting much value on someones opinion i dont know and obviously has some agenda (i'm guessing to buy in)...anyone know why stockhouse is always a "basher nest"??...over the years the best bashes and negative campaigns for many stocks i've followed seem to originate from there...

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