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Message: gold, buffet and the thing on everyones mind (but we dont talk about) is something to chew on...

Public knowledge that Buffet was the primary share holder of AIG.

AIG gets a huge bailout.

Buffet goes public and says that the financial sector is way undervalued and will be purchasing a large block of effect telegraphing his purchase....never his style in the past....

"In late 2008, Buffett invested a whopping $5 billion in Goldman, purchasing a block of "perpetual" preferred shares in the bank. His move during the depths of the financial meltdown was seen as a major vote of confidence in the U.S. economy and financial system."

perpetual share that pay a dividend of about 10% - sounds kinda like a bond - kinda like a small bailout in itself....

It could have gone something like this..."ok warren, here is a big ole wad of cash for AIG, now go do something that will give some confidence to the sheeple to stop all these bank runs....."
Just a thought....
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