Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Re: Gold is getting hammered
Jan 25, 2011 06:00PM

JW, I think that the slide in gold prices is definitely the reason we are going down. We are soon to see a few assay results every so often ( week or two?), now that the assays are mostly back from the earlier drilling.

I forgot to mention that in my conversation with Sasha at the Conference, we talked about the glitch at ActiLab, that caused the delays. He said he had talked to them, and questioned their role in the delay. Besides whatever they talked about, they very quickly started returning an overwhelming number of assays, not in any particular order. As most know, there is a great deal to be down in cataloging the assay results once GNH has them back. So that now is a main part of any delays. It has to be done very percisely, for the 43-101 to be unquestioned by the Exchange authorities that say 'yae' or 'nae'.

As far as the Conference is concerned, it was very overwhelming, with over 400 booths. I believe most people who go there have specific companies that they want to check out. One could not possibly go in to check out a company for the first time, and then make an informed decision with in a day or two.

Funny thing. I brought my 14 yr old son to Vancouver with me, and on the way downtown to catch a movie, we drove by Rogers Arena, where the Vancouver Canucks were playing soon. We both thought ' hey, lets see about getting some cheap scalped tickets after the game starts.....( NOT!! )

Well, hanging around outside the ticket booths, watching these scalpers do there thing, I couldn't help looking at them and seeing 'minnie mafia' guys busy hussling there wares, on there cell phones, and texting with there blackberries or I Pods. They even dressed the part.

As I looked around the Conference centre, I kinda got the same feeling.....LOL


Jan 26, 2011 11:23AM
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