Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Question For the Die Hards

Hey MG, I might be one of those.

Of course, I've been waiting for results and todays were not impressive in my opinion. I was hoping for at least a little bit of luck.

However, if you want lipstick this piggy up...this is how you do it.

The homogenous grade of this stuff is 3g/t or better. The bulk sample tells us that.

The drill tells us where to find the stuff, that's it.

The drill pointed out a whole other chunk of stuff as we see from todays results.

Hoovs report tells us hitting gold is akin to spearing 'E's in a book with a very thin needle...then divide by two, divide by two and divide by 2...or something like that. With this kind of deposit, it sounds really bloody unlikely to get gold to the lab and turned into assays.

If the overall theory turns out to be correct, it looks like this deposit could reach for literally 10's of kilometers and I think they'll be close to 7 in the near future. That much gold stretching for that far would make this deposit...well...I won't go there anymore.

That's about as pretty as I can make these results, and frankly when I see assays like I did today it really makes my stomach turn and casts a lot of doubt onto whether these guys can continue to fund the program to prove this up with these kinds of drill results. They are going to need some really special backers, and maybe Dwek is just that kind of guy? I doubt it though and the guy is probably just right pissed today.

There has got to be some sort of major risk-reward formula here...there usually is, and this one is really fricken high.

That's what I see and I think what I've seen all along. I feel like I signed up for a tour of duty in Arctic when I see what results were dealt to us today. But I AM getting what I signed up for.

My real beef is that this delay seemed way too convenient to get us as close to the bulk sampling as possible and I've hung on and missed other opportunities with my sizeable holdings here. That's a piss off and I'm not exactly sure what I do about that.

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