Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Question For the Die Hards

Great post and one for reflection. I have followed this play for some time but haven't found a convincing reason to buy due to the 'nugget' effect and the conclusions in the NI 43-101 where the author uses descriptive terms like chaotic and erratic in his Conclusions to describe the gold. Despite this the bulk sample from surface had a grade that could support mining if there was enough tonnage. This then is the road block imo, how does the company generate tonnage that can be used by professionals when completing the next 43-101? Low grade results over narrow widths which are seperated by meters of barron rock is probably not enough even though this barren rock centimeters away from the drill hole may hold gold.

The obvious answer is bulk samples from depth and this has been discussed before, both here and in chats with J. Tilsley. How many bulk samples, from what depths and at what costs is the question. Can this realistically get completed in time to establish a resource this year? Unless the company pulls a rabbit out of their hat I hardly believe that the CEO can have a resource; tonnage and grade this year. Where does this leave the SP, I really don't know but am hopefull the company has plans. The answer is just not very obvious.

I am hopeful that readers do not class this as a bash, is certainly is not meant to be. I am just try to be realistic but know all about falling in love with a junior miner. It will take lots of patience and money to get the resource, that is probable here,established.


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