Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: gravity test questions

this is pretty new to me and i'm not sure how to read these gravity tests. does the Head Calc g/t represent total recovery for both gravity and cyanide or do you add the CN feed g/t to the head calc?? The head calc adds up to about 1.72 g/t average (pretty good)....if you add the cn feed it takes us over 2gr/t....if these are just random samplings and represent an average of our core samples this could be very good but i really dont know what the heck i'm looking at here. can someone help?

Gravity Test Results Summary

Gravity Conc Recovery Gravity Tail Head
Sample Test K80 Wt. Assay Au Assay* calc.
µm, % Au, g/t % An, g/t Au, g/t
Comp 1 G1 93 0.035 2710 84.8 0.17 1.12
Comp 2 G2 67 0.050 7899 92.3 0.33 4.27
Comp 3 G3 82 0.061 1039 87.6 0.09 0.73
Comp 4 G4 65 0.066 764 83.6 0.10 0.61
Comp 5 G5 67 0.093 1099 54.7 0.85 1.88
*calculated head from cyanidation test

In addition, the minimum overall gold recovery from gravity and cyanidation as shown in Table 2 below ranges from 96.8 to 99.6%.

Cyanidation Test Results Summary

Reagent Reagent Recovery Residue CN Feed O'all Au Recovery
Sample Test Addition, kg/t Consumption, kg/t Au Assay* calc. Gravity/Cyanidation
NaCN CaO NaCN CaO % Au, g/t Au, g/t %
Comp 1 BC1 1.61 0.46 0.96 0.43 88.9 0.019 0.17 98.3
Comp 2 BC2 1.82 0.40 1.28 0.36 94.9 0.017 0.33 99.6
Comp 3 BC3 1.70 0.49 1.18 0.44 84.0 0.014 0.09 98.0
Comp 4 BC4 2.30 0.30 1.64 0.26 91.4 0.009 0.10 98.6
Comp 5 BC5 2.48 0.22 1.90 0.17 93.0 0.059 0.85 96.8
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