"Totally understandable to put it off to up our resourse estimate numbers but it would put off a lot of investors by not delivering as promised...bad move IMO."
F.C. already stated in his recent interview that the report would be out in quarter one. That would include March.
"So much to be excited about with what we've already seen. Picked some more up yesterday at .28. Pretty sure .20's won't be around much longer."
A nice idea, but that statement has been said so many times to the opposite end that it's just not a good idea to say it. The fact is that the next news may be nice but not great and we know what affect that has brought about so many other times. Love to be optimistic but also blended with an openness to all possibilities. I bought more shares last week as I am likewise hopeful.....but also open. I think that GNH will prove up well over time and I'm expecting it to do nice things for my account. If it happens tomorrow I'll be busting with smiles....if not tomorrow....sometime.