Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: next week

I realize the market isn't expecting more than the 500k oz that has been talked about. However no one really should because this is the only number that really has been put out there by management...and that was prior to our last couple of really good results. The lack of hype I'm refering to is from GNH itself. They have given us a number and from all accounts seem to have stuck to that estimate. I don't expect more than the 500k for that reason and neither should anyone else but if this is a conservative estimate on the part of GNH we might just see something more substantial. And I to would then be VERY HYPED although just having the 43-101 finally completed is enough to get a smile out of me.

And to Sum4All,As to the remark I made about maybe getting the 43-101 out early (by end of feb). That was just some eager anticipation and wishful thinking. I understand fractions and that a quarter is in this case 3 months. And hey thanks for that little gem there boss cause me was confused. They have put it out there that it would be done in the first quarter...they never said "END" of March. It would also serve them well to have it done by March 7 in time to let the conference serve as a staging point going forward. As I stated it may come out sooner for that reason even if they do want to delay it to the end of march so as to include more results to up our numbers.

Am I excited yes because I see the potential here. The news is just going to help us. I plan on seeing GNH do great things so I'm not here to just watch the SP rise a nickel and then dump. Am I wrong...could be. Wouldn't be the first time. Is my time frame messed up...that's definetly possible too. We'll see next week. That is why I stressed that this is all IMO.


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