Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: More results: Champagne

for GNH, there are various reasons one can speculate on, as to why we remain under-valued.

none of these reasons matter: if your exit stratagy is long term.

the people employed to maintain value in large cap gold producers are those who will ponder over the facts ...nothing else matters to these people, just the facts

(...ontherwise their boss ( ie. Peter Monk) will fire them :))

GNH has already shown a perponderance of evidence which supports very favourable "facts"

the most wise exit stratagy would involve the patience necessary in awaiting the day when GNH is Halted pending news on a buyer.

plain and simple ...that's the exit stratagy second to no other for this particular company, ...Golden Hope.

...and there is no "hope" required ...just extreme patience.

cheers ...danny

excuse my spelling ...i do not feel like doing a spell check ...just too many beers at betty's tonight ::)

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