Is one of those big buyers that helped drive the price to 32 cents a few weeks ago now changing their minds and selling??? I have no way of knowing but it is my best guess. If a trader gets cold feet and sees his principal shrinking, they will sell.
Well, the assay results really are not that great, but neither are they that bad. They really are in line with what the story is revealing as the story grows. In fact, the story now is much stronger than it ever has been.
So, what's it worth? In reality, just what the market is willing to pay. If you are in my camp, you sit back and hold. Once the storm passes the calmer weather will settle back in. It does the same in the stock market.
The other thing is news. If someone has inside info that is not good then the market could be signalling that. But the history with GNH doesn't support this. They have been pretty tight with news so leaks should not be why the price is tanking. Besides, the news has been consistantly decent. That is why holding seems right to me.
Hope this storm is a short one!!