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Message: Not that it matters ...

The perception of any situation is as important as the reality. I doubt it is co-incidence that the Greek election is the day before the G8 meet. It is a very good time to hammer out a last minute deal to give Greece a few billion to stabilize the Euro and postpone their exit from the Zone. I'm convinced Greece needs to leave the zone, for Europe to suvive under a common currency. I believe that exit is a timing problem more than political will. If another round of QE puts the world economy on better footing the impact of booting Greece will be minimal.

They do need to go, as you can't have someone party the night away and then stick the neighbours with the bill, after you kept them up all night.

A strong Euro translates into strong Gold and Silver.

Stabilize now......punish later.

The G8 will have a rescue plan as the perception is critical for short/medium term growth imo.


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