Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Joke Was On Us

It's easy to see you are very upset. Who isn't???? I'm interested in how you can make some of your accusations. You have not provided one ounce of proof to support them!!!! I'd like you to quote one statement that supports your charge that Frank overhyped GNH, broke promises, or missed deadlines. I know several times and quite a few here would key in on missed deadlines. He did say when he expected to have results to give shareholders. That hardly qualifies as a promise. I take that as his best estimate of when he will have the news to publish.

I like everyone else waited longer for the RE than I hoped or expected to wait. I'll bet that Frank and the rest of the team felt the same way. Almost every board I read for a mining stock has the same complaints. Perhaps its a function of the process. Sometimes these things take longer than everyone expects. I hoped the RE would be better. It didn't reach my expectations either. Don't you think that was built into the risk with these stocks?

We also knew that GNH would have to raise more money to continue for a long time. We had a finite amount to work with, and as you spend to drill, that goes down. The hope was that results would be better and recieved more favourably, thus we would be raising the money on better terms.

Perhaps you, like myself, are getting an education here about how long it takes to properly drill and prove up a resource. Some pretty knowledgable and respected posters think our results for this much drilling isn't so bad. They have in no way given up. I can't fault what they say. I think the drill results indicate the resource is larger since the find is open in all driections. There is more to find. One comment from some time back suggested the grade became better the deeper they went. That has to be tested and proven but may well determine how this project really turns out. One thing we can be sure of, it will take time. Perhaps more time than you and I want to wait.

So that brings us to a decision we all have to make. Do we stick around or leave for what we think will be greener pastures. Whatever decision I make, I will leave not blaming anyone for a decision I made. I also believe the people working to bring this project ahead have done so on a high level of integrity. I also appreciate the contributions many posters have made to help in the discussion about GNH. I try to remain positive, objective, and give the other person some benefit of the doubt.

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