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Message: A buyback of 100000$ will do it...

Buying back shares squanders cash that we don't have. It's a non-starter!

The board and management should collectively do a private placement at 15% over the 20 day average for $250,000.00 of real money in our treasury. This does have an effect on dilution, but it also gives us some sorley needed cash and puts the Board and management in a position to have a bit more skin in the game .....and it is a big confidence booster for the market if EVERYONE in the senior ranks ponies up.

If the sp doubles in the weeks following.....good for them.

Franks letter..........It's a poor excuse and it doesn't demonstrate real heart. This company has made far to many mistakes given the level of compensation. Put your money where your mouth is. Claw back 2.5 million options and do a pp instead.


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