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Message: An outsider looking in

Hi again to all those still holding GNH. It is with disappointment and sadness that I catch up on all things this one has fallen, further than I ever thought possible. Of course, it is a perfect storm here with gold equities in the toilet, gold prices being taken down, a RE that fell below expectation, a lack of positive news flow from the company and dissident Earl.

When I go on SW, the titles of the 3 NRs since January 17th's dismal assay result are:

Golden Hope dissident Takefman calls stock price dismal

Taylor says sell Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines adopts advance notice provision

I have to say that I understand the share price better when I see that this is all the NR's related to GNH in the last 3 months. Something needs to change for sure, but this is an uphill battle that is not for the faint of heart. In a situation like this, anyone credible coming to roll up their sleeves and willing to help out should be welcomed with open arms.

However, I see that even in these conditions, Earl is not very well supported, even with his claims of 9M shares behind him. I spoke to one of his 7 supporters with a large position today and asked him why he supported Earl. His main reason is that he agreed that the company should not be paying their employees so much in our current situation. He however admitted that there he was not privy to any plans to improve our situation other than cutting expenses. I know Earl has promised a plan that we have yet to see but I thought he would of at least shared his thoughts of a plan with his supporters.

So I called the company as I used to do often to get an update on activities. To my dismay, they actually still sound positive about the company. They said they had some things happening right now and plans being drawn up to turn the company around-for sure a very different tone than the current share price. They however, could not divulge these actions and plans at this time as they are not public yet. I was disappointed that they could not talk more concretely about these plans. I asked about our burn rate and what we are doing to cut back on expenses. I was told that the company voted in November to have 25% of their salary differed until further notice starting in January. I thought that was honourable and a good start but wondered how come they did not news release this. They said it will show up in their MD&A and that they did not want to waste money on a news release for this. They get a thumbs up from me for that.

However, I am still not convinced that the status quo is the right way to go here and from what I have seen and heard, Earl's changes to the status quo is not going to be much help. His main plan is to cut salaries, already done but could be pushed again I guess and complain about management's options plan. The last time I looked, none of those option plans were anywhere near being in the money so they cost the company nothing. There is not point in even talking about their option plan at all. The fact that Earl has mentionned this on a number of occasion as part of his complaints is enough to convince me that he will really not be able to add much in term of a positive influence on our board of directors.

The only thing I could suggest at this point to change the status quo in a positive manner would be to install a new board member that would be helpful and the best man for that job IMO would be Larry Hoover. Now, does Larry wish to come on board at this time is a question only he can answer. It would be interesting to see how many here would be interested in voting for HOOV to be on our board of directors. I will post that question and ask all of you who would vote for Larry to give it a thumbs up. This would give him an indication of support and may encourage him to agree to help out the company.


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