Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: today's news...

Well said Scott! I share that exact sentiment. I'm convinced the goods are in the ground here. Right place, right time, right people - just the wrong type of deposit. The irony is, the nuggety deposit repsonds well to the gravity seperation which I can only assume is the cheapest method and least impactful on environment.

It's a great deal for GNH - however Uragold needs to pull through with financing. Dilution will occur on their end, not GNH's.

If and when this ever happens and works, GNH still has all their 'other' claims exclusively.

I remember the gravity success from this previous release.

Just when I thought they were out for the count.....

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