Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: today's news...


Uragold is to raise ALL of the capital required to fund any mill. GNH is simply providing the B-T (Bellechasse-Timmins) deposit - something GNH has already spent millions on to date determining the geology and the resource estimate. Raising capital means issuing shares. Issuing shares means dilution.

GNH has already spent millions on the ground here. Their end of the bargain is pretty much done.

As far as other claims go, this deal ONLY involves the B-T deposit. Its the 43-101 compliant deposit they have drilled the heck out of. That leaves about 99.9% of GNH's claims for GNH alone. Some of us believe there is lots more gold in these claims. Lots.

Anyways, I'm cheering for Uragold to come through with financing. I'm way beyond caring about profits and losses on GNH. I just want to find out if I've been right all along, or just an idiot all along. I accept either conclusion.

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