I don't think that silver will continue this downtrend, that,s for sure. With shortages popping up everywhere in the metals industry, and the global growth going on , its,only a matter of time before ECU and others with there potential takeoff. There are to many circumstances going on that don't really reflect what the next U.S. administration will be, OPEC,s September decisions, and foreign policies between all the nations. One thing is for sure. Shortages will create great possibilities for those that have the goods and ECU does. Sure the media is hoping the people are going to follow them like the pied piper, but sentiment from the public is being broadcasted openly everywhere nowadays with technology. And more people are talking in the streets to. I worry more that these greedy corporations and political lobbyists will try to find a way to start another war somewhere. Yes I would love to see good earnings soon, but I hope it doesn't happen if mankind all over the world must suffer for it.