I just got a real gut feeling that we will see an attempt for a major takedown in gold/silver imminent and just cleared off a small margin on one stock just to be safe. Others, as you are all aware, are worried about a cartel takedown/ head fake early in the week due to the US bond sales. We have had predictions from major sources from all sides and it is most confusing. Is it ia designed shakeout? There is just an omninus odour about and the usual downside predictor in the JPM/PM, XUA/HUI, TSX-V stocks late today may be the same old signal for a gold takedown...or it could be the ultimate fake for "them" to get more long positions now.
Man, this is getting nerve racking! My gut feeling is that we will see either a successful short term take down to the $880 area predicted by so many earlier this week before a huge bull uptick to the $1200 plus area....or I have out thought myself and will get screwed on a major uptick starting immediately Monday.
Also, I have suspicions our adversaries in ECU are so wired into what's coming that they have felt comfortable keeping ECU down here into next week thinking that they can take it down one more time to the high 40's before they let her rip.
I could be all wet on all this but better safe than sorry. If we do see the ba-tards take us down eraly in the week, then we will know that it should be the best buying opportunity ever for ECU and many others.
All construcitve crtiicism is most welcome as I am totally a'twitter here (not a quiter or a twit).