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Message: Intriguing Article in Pakistan Daily

Hi Cockerel, that supposed swine flu pandemic is currently being investigated in Europe thanks to a few German doctors with backbone...

Just a pharma payday - VHF


H1N1-Gate: Big Pharma, WHO crafted "organized panic", European Health Head Claims

Aaron Dykes

January 11, 2010

Drug firms collaborated with WHO officials to deliberately create a "campaign of panic" and a ‘false disaster’ over swine flu pandemic fears when one was not evident, top European health official Wolfgang Wodarg has indicated.

Wolfgang Wodarg, head of health at the Council of Europe, claims that the threshold for alert was deliberately lowered at the WHO, allowing a "pandemic" to be declared despite the mildness of the ’swine flu.’ That designation would force a demand for the vaccine, which was subsequently purchased by governments or health facilities and pushed on the public through a full-scale fear campaign in the media.

Wodarg told Al Jazeera that:

"The WHO in collaboration with some big pharmaceutical companies and their scientists, re-defined pandemics and lowered the alarm-threshold. Those new standards forced politicians in most states to react immediately and sign marketing commitments for additional and new vaccines against "swine-flu" and spend billions of dollars to catch up."

"Never before the search for traces of a virus was carried out so broadly and intensively, besides, many cases of death that happen to coincide with seropositive H1N1 lab-findings were simply attributed to "swine-flu" and used to foster fear."

Wodarg is focusing on the motives for profit, as well as the ties between the World Health Organization (WHO), the pharmaceutical-industrial complex and research scientists, a nexus which Canada Free Press points out is eerily similar to the Climategate revelations that CRU research scientists fudged data to "hide the decline" in proxy temperatures in order to support global warming claims. Wodarg stated:

"A group of people in the WHO is associated very closely with the pharmaceutical industry."

"The great campaign of panic we have seen provided a golden opportunity for representatives from labs who knew they would hit the jackpot in the case of a pandemic being declared."

Now, Wodarg has been backed by members in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) who voted unanimously on his resolution to investigate the matter. An emergency debate has been scheduled to begin later this month.

The Council’s resolution states:

“In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies have influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards, to alarm governments worldwide. They have made them squander tight healthcare resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly exposed millions of healthy people to the risk of unknown side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines.”

Wodarg also raised concerns about the safety of swine flu vaccines in an interview with France’s L’Humanite. He highlighted the intentional deception, which subjected innocent people to an experimental and untested formula.

"The vaccines were developed too quickly. Some ingredients were insufficiently tested," he said.

"But there is worse to come. The vaccine developed by Novartis was produced in a bioreactor from cancerous cells, a technique that had never been used until now."

"In April when the first alarm came from Mexico I was very surprised at the figures furnished by the World Health Organization (WHO) to justify the declaration of a pandemic. I was immediately suspicious: the numbers were very low and the alarm level very high. There were not even into a thousand patients when there was already talk of the pandemic of the century."

"In reality there was no reason to sound the alarm at this level. This was only possible because in early May the WHO changed its definition of a pandemic. Before that date there had to be not only a disease which had broke out in several countries at once but also one that had very serious consequences with the number of deaths above the usual average. This aspect was removed from the new definition, to retain the rate of spread of disease as the only criteria."

"Among the things that aroused my suspicions there was therefore on one side this determination to sound the alarm. And on the other side, some curious facts. Such as, for example, the recommendation by WHO to carry out two injections for vaccines. That had never been done before. There was no scientific justification for this. There was also the recommendation to use only special patented vaccines… that major laboratories had designed and manufactured to be ready in case of a pandemic developing. And by proceeding in this way they did not hesitate to endanger the persons vaccinated."

Wodarg emphasized the need to find the source of corruption and restore trustworthiness on the part of health authorities in nations across the world, most of which helped to fan the flames of panic while neglecting the need for safety among the public it is meant to protect:

"We want to clarify everything that brought about this massive operation of disinformation. We want to know who made decisions, on the basis of what evidence, and precisely how the influence of the pharmaceutical industry came to bear on the decision-making."

Dr. Wodarg suggested that, “The Council of Europe and its member-states should ask for immediate investigations and consequences, on their national levels, as well as on the international level.”

"We must make sure people can rely on the analysis and the expertise of national and international public institutions. The latter are now discredited, because millions of people have been vaccinated with products with inherent possible health risks."

Infowars.com and many other alternative news sites have warned since day one that the swine flu scare was hoax. Though media outlets across the country bombarded the airwaves with scary stories meant to sell the public on another inoculation, far fewer deaths have been caused by the virus than by the seasonal flu.

Wodarg likewise points out this fact: "It’s just a normal kind of flu. It does not cause a tenth of deaths caused by the classic seasonal flu.

Many people refused to take the vaccine and governments in the U.S. and U.K. now have stockpiles of unused shots.

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