Sketch - Thnx for that great observation!
I had only just printed off the 10 year ECU chart this morning to staunch the wounds of my two step-sons whose TFSAs have been packed with ECU and EDV warrants...but your LOG chart is definitely nicer.
Some other data I have written down for them:
in Q2 2006: Q3 2010
M&I => 17.4 Moz 40 Moz Ag equiv.
Inferred => 81 Moz 391 Moz Ag equiv. (up 4x!)
Potential => 150 Moz 1000 Moz Ag equiv. (up 7x!)
Cash Flow = $450K $883K
Revenues = 1,282,000 $5,293,139
One mill @ 254 Tonnes/ Two mills @ 820 Tonnes/day (near target 1000)
Price of silver = #10 -> $15 $20 -> $30!
Holding a FIRM image, of the long-term view, of the ECU value perspective , is imho, a healthier strategy ...than worrying about daily price fluctuations.
lotus petals,