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Message: Picking A Fight #1

Picking A Fight With 5 Silver Traitors/Traders

By Silver Shield, on April 26th, 2011

Anytime silver gets smacked down by the banksters, I feel like picking a fight. This time I will take on 5 bloggers at once who are trying to break the silver bull. At the beginning of the year when silver got knocked down from $31 to $26, I got the fire in me that if people knew what I knew about silver, silver would be at $50 by the end of March. So I spent 3 weeks putting together every single reason I could think of for people to sell every single intangible paper asset and buy REAL physical silver in their possession. The Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield showed how we can fight back the corrupt welfare/warfare state and create generational wealth by buying REAL physical silver. The article was read by 100,000 people on my blog. When the article was released silver was at $32 and has coincidentally ran all the way up to $50 an ounce yesterday.

There was one guy in particular that did not like my article at all and that was Bob Moriarty of 321gold.com. Without beating a dead horse, Bob and I got into a blogger battle over the direction of silver. (Read My Skirmish with 321Gold, Bright Spark vs. Old Fart, Crash Bob Moriarty- Buy Silver, and Poor Bob Moriarty of 321Gold.) From $31 an ounce, Bob has been calling a top in silver. EVERY single time he has made a prediction, it has blown up in his face, especially his arrogant call to short silver at $38.

“The next major move in silver is down. A lot more than the silver bulls want to face. When silver permabulls throw in the towel and give up, I’ll be a buyer again.” Bob Moriarty 3/24/11 at $38 dollar silver.

That was a day that the CRIMEX raised margin rates and there was this key technical trading inter day reversal that is supposed to signify a blow off top. I wrote a response to his call to short silver that day called Crash Bob Moriarty- Buy Silver. In it I told him that his trading buddies were fighting the last battle of paper manipulation and that this battle is a physical battle and that we are playing for keeps. All of these games the Elite used before to scare the weak hands out of the market, are not going to work any more. We have your number and we wait patiently while you hang yourself on your “naked short” rope. We will simply keep standing for delivery saying show us the silver. Any short term gains the banksters make will come at long term, catastrophic losses.

“Shorting silver is the most profitable trade you can ever make.” Bob Moriarty

I will pick a fight with 5 Silver traitors traders as I knock down each and everyone of their arguments they use to try to scare us out of our silver. First, one must know that this propaganda pattern is very familiar. Everytime we get close to options expiration, the silver traitors traders try to scare you out of your positions. This is coupled with raising margin rates and a slew of negative propaganda pieces on silver in the media. The first one up, of course, is poor ole Bob Moriarty. After calling a top in silver at $31 and $38 he has called the top for the third time in three months. This article was coincidentally released just as the hammer was coming down on silver as the New York market opened yesterday. (Some call it coincidence, some may call it conspiracy, some may want to look into this..) He laid out an article called the Facts of Silver, where he laid out 5 reasons to scare potential investors out of silver. I will knock these down with extreme prejudice.

1. The chart of silver has gone parabolic. Parabolic charts mark tops no matter what the commodity.-The chart Boob Bob should have been showing is not the parabolic chart of silver but the parabolic chart of the Federal Reserve and our money supply! I mean I love silver but the biggest reason I buy it is I am deathly afraid of the Federal Reserve Note. Here is a little lesson in economics Bob, the price of silver is not going up as much as the value of the FRN/dollar is going down. You need more dollars to buy the same amount of silver. (Read No Investment Goes Straight Up...)

2. The bullish consensus on silver is at a record high. Record high bullish consensus on any commodity is common at tops. You mean to tell me that when 1% of the Western world wakes up to buy silver, that is the top? What is he going to say when 1 billion China men dump $2 trilliion into commodities? Or when the dollar breaks the long term support and people rush int REAL tangible assets?

3. When the most credible guys in an industry start explaining why supply and demand don’t really work, it’s a top. With 19 billion ounces of silver above ground we aren’t about to run out any time soon. The only guys I know that are saying that silver is going to become extinct any time soon is the United States Geological Survey, who said that “While cheap silver ore may become scarce, given the right price, it shouldn’t become extinct!” The real problem is not that it is going to run out, it is how much is available relative to the rising demand and falling availability. (Don’t forget Evo Morales is threatening to nationalize the silver miners on May 1st.) The industrial demand for silver if one huge factor but I feel the increased monetary demand is insatiable and just now starting. The most immediate threat is the amount of fiat money relative to the amount of silver.

4. When guys start writing about silver that didn’t have a clue as to what it was or what it was used for at the bottom, you are at a top. I’m astonished at both the ignorance and the arrogance of the newly invented silver “Gurus.” This is an obvious smack at me. Funny, I have been so right, while he has been horribly wrong and that is his excuse for calling a top? I cannot imagine that amount of losses he must be sitting on trying to short this silver bull. I have said over and over again to buy right and sit tight in physical. I know a lot of happy people because of this. This simple principal got me through the crash of 2008 to 400% returns while every single other paper asset has taken it on the chin.

5. When the smartest guys in an industry start telling you, “This time it’s different,” it’s not. It’s just a top. I wrote that we are NOWHERE near the REAL inflation adjusted top which should be closer to $500 an ounce for silver. (Read The REAL silver high.) And yes, this time it will be different because the dollar is mathematically inevitably going to collapse. When this happens, silver will enter a new paradigm of REAL money. (Read The Silver Rocket.) Have fun Bob trying to short the hottest commodity that the whole world needs during a world wide hyper inflationary fiat currency collapse.

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