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Message: O/T...new Bin Laden photo released


Two moon believers debating which is the greater lunatic... LA vs Texas!

I actually have to side with PIC on this one...sorry baba...this is just your really failed president trying to score some points...Osama had to have died long ago, like JFK, and Elvis...although none of us will ever prove it...

but PIC... the next time U attribute silver price volatility to the the full moon, please note that the volatility MUST now be larger than at least $6.00 per day, and $9.00 (18%) over two days, because this weeks volatility wasn't moon related, unless U call moon effects up to + or - 15 days of it's (full moon) occurance.

For those of U that don't follow such things, nearest Full moon, according to my calendar, was 18 Apr and will be 17 May.

Volatility on the charts for last Apr 18 pales in comparison, in my humble opinion, (and statistically), silver prices moved up fairly steadily and strongly through the whole month. The previous month had even less correlation. Can you pick out effects on the 6 month chart?...

I read most of Pic's posts, and most of those are good, I think Pic has a lot of great experience, and a better grasp of technical indicators than I do, but I do reserve the right to disagree on a few of his beliefs, as he does with baba.

...but baba; Osama was in heaven with god a long time ago. The spirit of my dead father told me in a dream that he was there, still fighting for the freedom of his country and his people. The pentagon (et al) pulled the 9/11 job.

a stirred pot of lotus petals,


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