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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

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Unfortunately I was travelling this morning, going to fight a traffic ticket I received up the the mountains last summer. Stopped in a McDonalds in Laramie WY to get the opening. Ugh! I am hoping this is the kneejerk reaction to a collapse in confidence in the Fed to actually help anything, and think we may see a fairly rapid reversal in all things "things" based. How much does the investing public need to get it anyway?

To add my $.02 worth politically, as someone who voted for Obama I have been terribly disappointed in him, and will not vote for him again no matter who is the Republican nominee. He had an historic chance to reframe the discussion on so much that is wrong with our nation, and sold his soul to the bankers and other special interests and should be thrown out on his keister. I honestly think he is not very intelligent when it comes to international finance, and allowed the bankers to sell him on their version of what to do. I also advocate that every member of congress be voted out of office in 2012. Sweep everybody out.

The only hope I think we in the US have is to put differences behind us and get Ron Paul elected. If for no other reason (and there are plenty of others) that he is an honest man. Everybody else is a panderer to whatever entity is buying their time. Disgusting to witness.

All the best to everybody here, I am in a similar circumstance to Soul, I am all in, and can't take advantage of this hit to load up anymore.

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