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Message: OT: who should us Amerikans vote for in 2012

It is already done .... Obama will get a second term.

First of all, there is really not two parties. This is an illusion spun so you think you have a choice. The same people control both parties and if the public gets sick of one party, then they offer up the other. Bush Sr - Republican, Clinton - Democrat, Bush Jr - Republican, Obama - Democrat ..... and the beat goes on.

Second, they did not allow any "real" candidates to run on the Republican ticket against Obama. A multi-adultering Gingrich ??? A mormon liberal corporate raiding flip flopper ??? A sell out former senator that could not even win a second term in Penn ? Only non-presidential losers that Obama can trounce. Chris Christy could have had the presidency on a plate..... but was told to step down. Colin Powell does not even exist anymore.

Third, the only reason that they keep Ron Paul alive in the race is so that they can run him third party. George Soros is in the process of setting this up as we speak. Real Conservatives that cannot vote for Romney will then vote third party dividing the Republicans and thus giving Obama his second term. Divide and conquer.

Fourth, the last line of defense is rigged voting machines. They were used to give George Bush Jr his second term and saved recently Harry Reid in Nevada. They will be used again if need be.

The powers are not done with control of the population. They need to slowly take away your rights and Obama is their man. The perfect guy.... so likeable....he is not black - he is not white, he is not Christian .. he is not Muslim, He is not rich.... he is not poor. He is a great orator that does as he is told - Exactly what the powers need.

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