Discovering Canada’s Coal resources

Intersected 23 metres of Black Coal - Border property 50km north of the town of Hudson Bay, SK

Message: SASKABOOM - Champions of Canada right now

SASKABOOM - Champions of Canada right now

posted on Jun 19, 2008 11:23AM

Saskatchewan is one of luckiest Provinces/jurisdictions in the World right now. They have Oil, Gas, 1/3 world production of Potash, 1/3 world production of Uranium, precious metals, base metals, 9-10 million tonnes of Wheat exported last year, huge agriculture implement manufacturing sector exporting to non-USA countries, and now this COAL thing near Hudson Bay, SK !!! Company lookin for diamonds and finds a motherlode of coal that takes a 20¢ up nearly 100 x in 2 months to just over $19 yesterday.

Saskatchewan definately is the economic stimulus of Canada right now. Their biggest problem is only having a million people or it would be bigger. Need people to mine this stuff out for overseas export.

Hey Edmonton! Regina and Saskatoon would like to borrow those useless signs you have entering all directions to your city : "City of Champions" .... Oilers and Eskimos won't be needing them anytime soon.

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