Discovering Canada’s Coal resources

Intersected 23 metres of Black Coal - Border property 50km north of the town of Hudson Bay, SK

Message: Weekend article...US coal reserve is much overstated

Weekend article...US coal reserve is much overstated

posted on Mar 07, 2009 11:23AM

If anyone has a couple hours free this weekend I would suggest scanning through this report put out by the US Departent of the Interior - US Geological Survey. (2008)
It is a report on the largest PRB coal field (representing 37% of US coal production in 2006)

It basically states that this coal field has been high graded and the remaining economic reserves are overstated.

Check out the maps, they give a pretty good insight into how thin these beds are in relation to what has been reported by GXS so far. In addition the majority of this coal is extremely deep with stripping ratios as high as 10:1 being used in the reserve calculations.

GXS (and area players)
A lot more drilling will be required not only on the Border property but along the entire 600 km coal trend before we have a really good insight as to how this Sask coal field is shaping up but what we have seen so far is pretty darn good when you do the comparisons. I am trying not to be a cheerleader but it is pretty hard not to get excited when you start looking closely at the data.

"We have just scratched the surface" is a statement that was made loud and clear at the Royal York gathering. It is a 131 page report.

Thanks Fairchij, USGS report is marvellous.
I am still reading it. A lot of information.

Summary of what I read: (page 1)

Gillette coalfield total original resouce : 201 Billion

Available resources : 81% = 164 Billion

Recoverable coal 77 Billion

Coal reserve ( with many criterie) 10.1 Billion =6% of original tresource

page 12

Deepest Anderson coal bed Max 202 ft, average 45 ft with CBM (coal bed methane) potential..overburden fromoutcrop ,surface to 545 ft

GXS max coal seam is deeper,

Fairchij, do you predict we may also have potential of CBM ?

The more I read, I understand why PRB will interest in our development.

Have a nice weekend


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