I have another question wrt open pit mining and the actual vertical depth on some of these deeper holes. What does dip do when you are talking 350 meters at -47 and -57 dip?
When they describe holes in the NR we just saw, they do not talk about dip, usually we see the length and possibly the start(from) and stop(to) distances for the intercepts. So if there is a hole showing the intercept as follows:
Hole ID From To Metres Ni %
IMCEX-51 331.7 341.6 10.9 1.15
IMCEX-52 18 34 16 0.214
346 371.42 25.42 1.449
Including 359 362 3 2.478
Wouldn't the dip factor in and tell you truly how deep it is if it were straight down from surface? They also do not show elevation in simple releases either. From Appendix H on page 180 in KJ's 43-101, the dip is the last number highlighted and underlined
IMCEX-51 Lang 1 10+550 ft E L48+00N 296.55 380 5353530.3445 497828.5805 302.22 -47.75
IMCEX-52 Lang 1 10+550 ft E L48+00N 296.45 452.58 5353530.1648 497828.8375 301.18 -57.30