I did not mean to be kurt, or disrespectful, but I am in pursuit of what is best for ISM and its shareholders. We can, on this forum, mould the set of questions, clarifications, and answers, through intense discussion and dialogue, that all are looking for prior to the ISM annual meeting (and beyond). This survey vehicle, with more rigid controls, allows us to communicate, collaberate, and express our views as ONE. This iterative approach of discussion, collaberation, and eventual conclusion will take some time, but I believe that we can achieve our common goal of establishing a direct line of communication with ISM management to address the "big" issues. I am, in no way, saying that we should engage ISM management aggressively. We should take a conservative, if not ultra-conservative, position so that everyone who believes in the ISM story wins. Create shareholder confidence and you will create demand for those who want to own and buy ISM shares. Lets explore these vehicles of communication and collaberation such that we bridge the obvious broken relationship between ISM management and its shareholders as that was the most contentious issue from the survey. Whaler, this is an incredible opportunity. Lets embrace it so that we all win!