Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: NDP To Wynne: Keep Ring Of Fire Jobs In Ontario

What a shame that the NDP view protectionist measures as the solution to "maximise the economic potential of Northern mining developments". How out of touch. Such measures could very well result in declining exploration work since no company will want to mine in a province with such restrictions. We could see more investment flee to other provinces as a result of this.

As we have seen on this forum through the many great posts and contributions, how about a government that takes a proactive approach to attracting business and make Ontario the destination for mining above all other provinces? Some examples could include:

1. Meaningful investment in infrastructure to enable business (i.e. a cost effective and ROI sensitive railway, hydro, roads, etc.)

2. Competitive electicity rates for exploration and mining activities

3. A process and framework for meaningful and integrative FN consulation and partnership

Protectionist measures in the form of requiring all ore and minerals mined in Ontario to be refined in Ontario is short sighted and well suited for 1980s thinking.

All the best to KWG Longs,


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