Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Re: Regional Inclusion of $50B Chromite from start makes sense for FN

KWG and NOT have been in the same boat. Both companies would need transportation infrastructures to develop their resources in the RoF, with NOT in a better position in view of Eagle Ni deposits which is in an advanced stage to be developed first without a railroad to haul the more bulky (chromite) stuff out. Although not as economical compared to rail shipment, Ni concentrates could be brought out of the RoF by trucks.

However, to begin with the Ni development, NOT would need a road from Pickle Lake to Webequie Junction then to the camp itself. This road is required (now) for bringing in heavy equipment and supplies to build the Eagle mine. This is a crutial requirement from NOT business perspective. This road is also important for the development NOT and KWG chromite resources. Other requirements for the development of isolated FN communities along the route are important and should be dealt with. This could be dealt with separately, or in parallel with the transporation requirements for the mining companies. It's obious that working together to address the requirements for the mining companies and the FN communites are win-win solution for everyone. There are other mutual benefits such as a mine in the area would provide employment to the FN folks as well, but let's leave this out for the moment, since things can get quite complicated with too many parameters involved.

So, who would be responsible for this road (from Pickle Lake heading NE to the RoF with 4 FN communities on both sides of it. These 4 communities have received grant money from the Fed and Prov (announced at PDAC) to study the economic impact of this road. These communities indicated support for the road, but one chief was not keen in the development of a mine in "the headwater of a river flowing through his community".

As indicated, it's the synergy that is required for the road development for the mutual benefits of both companies and the local people. It would be unrealistic to expect a company to come in with its money to develop a common road infrastructure to serve only the local communities while its mine development is being considered as undersirable and not supported.

It's long winded overview but a road leading to the RoF from Pickle Lake would be a good start. The main trunk of this road could be jointly funded by both levels of governments and the companies involved, but the side roads to the FN communities should be funded by the governments.

In the longer term one could picture the NS corridor (RR and road) and the KWG Alternate EW road to serve Marten Falls and Ebametoong, in the total package for the transportation network for the RoF which would be required for the development of the FN communities and our natural resources in the RoF. Note: Both NOT EW road and KWG Alternate EW road would need to be built, at the same time, to get the buy-in from the other two FNs (Marten Falls and Ebametoong).

In summary, the overall infrasture requirement is well known. It's all there. What's needed is the will of the government and the key players involved to push the idea ahead with one road (any road, even gravel road) as an initial step. Since, without a firm commitment for the transportation infrastructure the resources in the RoF would just sit there, and remain "landlocked" for the next 50 years (as CLF has said), regardless who are the owners of the mineral deposits.

NOT and KWG are in the same boat, and some wind on their sail from the governments and the FNs would help. Assuming, of course, both companies are not fighting with the steering of the boat.


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