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Message: Financial death to all opposers

Financial death to all opposers

posted on Oct 16, 2008 11:39AM

Financial death to all opposers. That appears to be the message of the Comex. If anyone is so ignorant or rude as to go long, their position and others like it, will be observed and attacked at the precise moment where the gov't feels it can do so most profitably. We may talk about an investigation or inquiry but don't be so stupid as to imagine that we will actually DO anything.

Anyone going long the Comex or Tocom is going to have their basketted head handed to them. (at least for a while)

That is the message I see in the paper market. Put simply it is "get out and stay out until we're finished here, although we need the odd sucker or two to offload our shorts upon." Fortunately, there will come a time when they are finished. Until then, anyone long paper gold or silver, before the banksters can get out of their short contracts is in for one big hurt.


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